F. Wagner Schlesinger demonstrating miniature Aurora Borealis exhibit
Форма и содержание
F. Wagner Schlesinger, demonstrates the Aurora Borealis in miniature exhibit: a large tube filed with gas. The photograph is dated in a Chicago Park District Office of the Comissioners note on the back: May 16, 1946. The Park District-written caption in this note reads: The Adler Planetarium is the headquarters for rainbows, halos, Northern Lights, and blue skies this month! Visitors Ruth Huntley of Columbus, Ohio; Qm. Le Waymer Donaldson of Stratford, Connecticut; and Mrs. Earl Saunders of Little Rock, Arkansas watch as Wagner Schlesinger, Planetarium Director produces the famous Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights in miniature at the Adler Planetarium.
Физическое описание
Two 8 x 10 inch black and white prints
graphic material
Уровень описания