[nb-NO]Object number[nb-NO]
Sector: With level
Circular hinge rotating on square plate. Circular part of hinge has floral engraving. Square hinge has small extension that, along with square, acts as a friction ledge. A scalloped brace folds out from one leg and fits in slot of other leg so that sector may be used as a set square or level. When sector is thus set, there is a hole in the square hinge from which to hang a plumb-line. Inner corners of each sector leg have been angled so that sector will sit flush with a surface when being used as a level. Scale on brace is marked 45-0-45 degrees. Sector has usual French-type sector scales. On the line of metals, the symbol for gold is a sun with a face on it. Both single scales run 0-60.
"Le Maire Fils/AParis" on (b), left.
The scale for weight of shot is labeled "Diametre et Poids des boulets."
c. 1737-85
Imperial(in) |
Metric(cm) |
Height |
0.4 |
Width |
18.5 |
Depth |
3.1 |
Diameter |
Circumference |
Imperial(in) |
Metric(cm) |
Height |
Width |
Depth |
Diameter |