Large pantograph with six ivory castors. The B point would be inserted over the shaft connected to a lead weight (present in case). The weight has three small prongs on the bottom to grip the paper. The D point would have an ink well and pen device inserted through it (present in case). The C point would have the tracer point inserted through it (present in case). All holding screws for these points have milled heads; one small one on a sliding drawing point shaft may be a replacement. Arms for the B and D sliding points are graduated points. In several cases, an extra line is lightly scratched between two marked lines. On the inner arm scale above one of these scratched lines is lightly scratched "30 to 100." The separation of proportions is dissimilar on the respective arms. Wooden case is fitted to hold pantograph, weight, tracer, and ink implement. Two brass latches on outside. Keyhole (key missing).